The Perfect Money: How Nasos Is Helping People Adopt Bitcoin | EP.017
In this episode, we delve into the world of Bitcoin with Nasos, a Bitcoin evangelist and entrepreneur who is passionate about helping individuals and companies adopt Bitcoin. Nasos's journey into Bitcoin began with his studies in Economics and Business in London, leading him to explore the history of the exchange of value, or what we call money.
In 2013, after the banking crisis in Cyprus, Nasos first heard about Bitcoin. However, it was in 2016 that he truly immersed himself in the concept of "perfect money." Today, Nasos is dedicated to helping people understand and adopt Bitcoin, believing it has the potential to revolutionize our interaction with money.
Join us as we discuss Nasos's personal Bitcoin story, his insights into the future of Bitcoin, and his efforts to promote Bitcoin adoption. Whether you're a seasoned Bitcoin enthusiast or just curious about this revolutionary technology, this episode is for you.
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